Požární 118/10,
620 00 Brno

+420 728 325 744

Loga16th National Exhibition of Agapornises

WHEN: 5th October – 6st October 2024

WHERE: Colatransport, Písníky 409/18, 620 00 Brno – Holásky (map)

APPLICATIONS: by 1st October 2024 midnight

ADMISSION OF BIRDS: Thursday 3.10.2024 from 18:00 to 21:00, 4.10.2024 Friday from 7:30 to 11:00

OPENHOURS FOR PUBLIC: Saturday 5th October 9:00 - 17:00, Sunday 6th October 9:00 - 13:00


The Exhibition organized by CZAC is the biggest exhibition of Agapornises in the Czech Republic and mid-European region. In the past years was possible to see over 450 birds including about 300 evaluated mutations and combinations. Lovebirds are not only from the members of the Club but also from breeders from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Italy etc. who are not the members of the club. It is possible to see even little widespread mutations. Visitors come from the nearby area even from several hundred kilometers distant areas. In short a special show of our club is the largest Lovebirs event in the Czech Republic.

The 16th National Exhibition of Agapornises will take place in the site of Cola Transport restaurant in Brno-Holásky, on 5th October - 6th October 2024. Very good availability by public transport, parking place, accommodation possibility and other facilities – everything is part of one site. The airport Brno-Tuřany is about 2 km far from here.

Exhibition Organization:

The Exhibition is divided into 4 days, on Thursday 3st a Friday 4th is reserved for its organization and for the exhibitors. The admission of the birds will be from 18:00 to 21:00 on Thursday and 7:30 to 11:00 on Friday. The birds will be checked and potential unclarities will be clarified (e.g.: exhibition class categorization, etc.). After the admission on Friday the evaluation will follow, so as the result summarization and the catalogue will be print. The evaluation will be processed according to the international standards by the judges. The best birds will get diplomas in their groups; bands will be given to the best birds in each class and kind. The winning Agapornis will receive a cup of their kind. From the winners, the winner of the Exhibition will be chosen and will get the main glass prize. In addition, the titles "Club Champion" and "Junior Club Champion" will be awarded for the best breeder of the club members. In the evening, the processing of results will begin and there will be informal meeting of club members and exhibitors in the local restaurant.

The next day, on Saturday 5th October the exhibition is opened for public from 9:00 to 17:00. In the evening from 18:30, a gala evening will be opened for club members, exhibitors and invited guests, where the results will be officially announced and awards will be presented at the beginning.

On Sunday 6th, the exhibition is opened for the public from 9:00 to 13:00. At 13:00 the exhibition will end and will start pickuping of the birds according to the orders ot the organizer.

The exhibition will follow the Exhibition Rules, which contain all important information. Furthermore, it will comply with all applicable regulations for organizing such events, including the KPEP Exhibition Rules. All breeders can participate, regardless of club membership, age or nationality. Breeders have the opportunity to compare their Lovebirds with each other. It doesn't matter if you start with breeding or devote yourself to it for decades - the exhibition is about a meeting of breeders who are striving for quality breeding, a competition where the best will be awarded and less successful will find out what to look out for and what to avoid. Everyone can move further. Each Agapornis must have a closed ring, regardless of the species, mutation or age of the Agapornis. The exhibition will be divided into these classes:

PlaceExhibition System:

The Exhibition is divided into 3 classes:

  • CLASS A – Agapornises with rings 2023
  • CLASS B – Agapornises 2022 rings and older
  • CLASS M – Agapornises from current year (2024)
  • CLASS N – undefined agapornises, new or non-classified mutations or their combinations, Lovebirds which are not of own breeding

The Agapornises are divided by the age into these main classes: Class A - Agapornis bred in the previous year with the ring of last year (2023), Class B - Agapornis, older than Agapornis in class A, with a ring 2022, 2021 etc. Class M - Agapornis bred in the year of the exhibition with the current 2024 ring.

Three best birds will be chosen from the class B (1st -3rd place of class B). The same is valid for the class M (1st -3rd place of class M). And again first 3 best birds will be chosen from the class A, but these 3 best Agapornises are on the overall winners of the whole show. Class A is further subdivided into the individual species in which the best Agapornis of the species are declared. The individual species can then (but not necessarily) be divided into Exhibition groups (according to the mutation -> Exhibition group) - For the announcement of individual groups, a minimum number of 5 Agapornises of the same classification is required, from min. 3 exhibitors.

Class N is also used - it includes non-standard Agapornises (unrecognized or new mutations and their combinations). There can be given birds, which are not of own breeding. Lovebirds will be evaluated but without claim to placement.

Scoring cages:

Class A – wooden or plastic (which has same dimension and look definitely same like wooden) show cage (see Exhibition Rules)
Class B – wooden or plastic (which has same dimension and look definitely same like wooden) show cage (see Exhibition Rules)
Class M – Carton, wooden and plastic (which has same dimension and look definitely same like wooden) show cage (see Exhibition Rules)

Agapornises is possible to expose only in the standard wooden or plastic show cages with the dimensions 16 - 18 cm depth, 36 cm width, 30 cm height (see Exhibition Rules). The birds placed in different cages will not be accepted for the Exhibition. Such cages however can be used in the sales section. Carton cages for the class M will be arranged by the organizer, it is mandatory to specify number of the carton cages in the application according to your needs.

It is necessary to fill in own application form for the sale section. The breeder will provide the required data (ring number, kind, mutation or combination and price). If known, it may also include age and gender. Only one Agapornis can be placed in the show cage. Non-standard scoring cages can also be used for the sales part. The exhibitor can only offer in the sales section as many Agapornises as he has in the show section.

Exhibition Organization:



The exhibition obeys the Exhibition regulation, which includes all important information. Every Agapornis breeder can expose his birds on the Exhibition, regardless of the Club membership or nationality. Breeders have the opportunity to compare their breeds objectively among each other. It does not matter whether you start with or take care of it for dozens of years - the exhibition is about meeting breeders who are looking for quality Agapornis breeds, about the best prize winners and less successful find out what to watch out for and what to avoid. Everyone can move. Every Agapornis must have a closed ring.

You can have a rest or refreshment in the close restaurant during the Exhibition. The restaurant is a part of the whole area. Accommodation can be arranged upon request with our club directly on the place or other accommodation possibility in Brno.

We strongly recommend visiting of the Parrot ZOO in near town Bošovice, https://papouscizoo.cz.

Admission Process:

To register your Agapornis for an exhibition, first download the application form. Then fill in all the data, including the inclusion of Agapornis in the appropriate group (= mutation / combination, see Exhibition groups). When you are filling the application, you can use the drop-down arrows to make it easier for you to. Please, send the completed application to the club e-mail by midnight on 1st October 2024. Any inconsistencies will be settled when the birds are picked up on Thurday 3rd and Friday 4th October. We only accept the applications in electronic form.




Sale of Lovebirds:

At the exhibition, it is possible to buy agapornis of various species and mutations but only from breeders who are exhibiting at the same time. It is not an anonymous exchange. The sale of agapornis is divided into two parts:

Sales part - there is a special area at the exhibition, usually in the right corner of the hall, which is set aside for the direct sale of Agapornis. In this section, Lovebirds are offered for sale in individual show cages. In this area are authorized members of the club who are in charge of sales (mostly in green T-shirts with the name tag "sales guarantor"). The cages are marked with a red number and other information is given on them – species, mutation, ring number, price... Agapornis from the sales section can be purchased and taken away at any time during the exhibition.

Exhibition part - exhibitors also  can offer for sale some agapornis from the exhibition section. In the exhibition part, the show cages are marked with a black number, and if some of the agapornis are available for purchase, there is a "for sale" label affixed to their cage. If the visitor is interested in a Lovebird in the exhibition part and it is not marked as for sale, it is still possible to contact the owner directly through the sales guarantor. If you are interested in purchasing agapornis from the exhibition section, you must again contact the sales guarantors. However, it is not possible to collect these Lovebirds immediately, they wait until the end of the exhibition and they can only be collected on Sunday from 12:30.

News 2024

The Club has about 160 of show cages available. If a breeder does not have their own cages, he can rent them. They will be available at the show.

The club enables the rent of show cages which are available only in limited number and especially exhibitors from abroad will be prioritiesed. The distance and the number of exhibited Lovebirds are especially taken into account.

Pick-up of the birds from the show will be organized and will begin at 14:00 (or at different time given by the organizer). The organizer himself will sort out the birds, do the billing of sold birds and then the collecting of birds may start. Criteria for the pick-up is the distance from breeder’s home (breeders with the furthest home will be preferred).

At the admission we are testing a new shortened process. The exhibitor can ease the admission by getting only the cage numbers to label them based on the list. Then he will pay all the fees and can leave. Then the check of mutation and classification is no more needed and the breeder does not have to queue – the check-in is done with priority. This news is only for those who clearly sign for this option in the email with the application form saying: I want priority check-in. Unless this is done, the admission will be done as in the past.

Exhibition groups have been updated this year, so we recommend everyone to study them carefully and not to use groups from previous years!

The big news is the change of the rules of the exhibition. Since this year it is possible to exhibit in classes A, B and M only Lovebirds which are of own breeding. Breeder confirms this in the affidavit included in the application. Purchased parrots or ones not bred by the exhibitor can only be exhibited in class N. In this class, the birds will be evaluated, but without claim to placement. This prevents the devaluation of the results in the elite parts of the show and at the same time does not reduce the motivation of each breeder to stand up with their own breedings against rivals who are also bred, not bought somewhere and then  exhibited.


Dear breeders and supporters of Agapornises. Again after one year there will be the largest exhibition of Agapornis in Central Europe which will offer a comparison of Agapornis across breeds. Representative spaces, hundreds of Agapornises, breeders and visitors from several countries ... The peak of the season for every Agapornis breeder is here!

We invite you to an exhibition based on recognized international systems. For an exhibition where normal, even rare mutations or uncommon combinations are present. The exhibition is attended by both beginners and experienced breeders. In short, for an exhibition that lives today ...

We are looking forward to your attendance or visit!

Do you have questions? Do you need help with filling in the application or something is not clear? – please, contact us

Partners of the Exhibition:

Partners show 2024